
Hey, ho! Every time I look at doing a trip, the weather takes a turn for the worse. I was going to go up to the Lake District last week but the forecast turned unsettled a few days before I was due to go. I decided it was a long way to go to get wet, so I cancelled.

Every time I’ve thought about going somewhere this Spring, the weather hasn’t played ball. This year has been unusual as normally May and June are settled months, but we’ve had no decent periods of settled weather. We’ve had maybe two or three days of decent weather and then it turns again. It’s difficult if you have to travel long distances.

This is where having a camper van is so useful. It means you can take a bit more of a chance on the weather. Unlike base camping, you stay dry and cozy. No mud! It’s nearly four years since my camper van was written off. So, I’ve decided to get another. I’ve put a deposit down and it should be ready by the end of August. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll give some more details nearer the time.

2 thoughts on “Washout”

  1. I know what you mean. Pissed down all day yesterday on our backpack in Scotland. Doesn’t make for a happy camper. It’s an age thing. I never used to be bothered about it but now I hate it.

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